Thursday, April 4, 2013

SakuraCon 2013 Debut of Cloud Strife and Zack Fair cosplays~!

Hello all!

I'm very excited to share with you photos of my convention debut of my cosplay of Cloud Strife, and the cosplay of Zack Fair, worn by Justin! These characters are from the Final Fantasy 7 world.  We had a blast wearing them and interacting with everyone, and can't wait to go back next year.

Before I show you the photos, I want to express my thanks to everyone who helped me with these costumes in the few weeks before the convention.  I had worked on them for a good six months or more on my own, but suddenly it was March and a lot of the big pieces were not finished, so the few weekends before the con were spent in a mad rush.  So a big "THANK YOU" to my amazing husband who helped with both sets of pauldrons, and pretty much kept me from falling apart; to my dad for lending us the tools needed; to my brother and his wife for help with Zack Fair's pauldrons; to Justin and Bob for making the swords (!! they turned out so epic-- look for construction details for entire cosplay later on!); to Dana for allowing us to use her woodshop; and to Amryn for helping wrap the sword hilts! I couldn't have done it without everyone!

Okay, now for photos! Captions added when I deem it necessary :)  Also a big shout-out to Justin for actually being strong enough to wield his Buster Sword and having multiple poses for photos! I have like 2 or 3 poses max, so feel free to laugh at my expense :)

My belt twisted to the side here, effectively killing off some really good photos otherwise >.<
So intense!
We're so enthused!
Ohhh yeah, flex them biceps! 
By all means, mess with the two cosplayers with twenty-five pound swords. 
Re-enacting the passing of the Buster Sword, with 300% less blood and tears!

Alrighty, time for the photos taken with other cosplayers!

With Sephiroth *dun dun duuuuuun*
With a lovely Jenova, Kadaj, and another Sephiroth.
Re-enacting a scene from Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children with double the Aeriths! and minus the Advent Children Cloud haha.

Okay, so even Cloud can smile around Fluttershy!

Cute Yuffie!

Cloud versus Squall

Another Sephiroth! 
With lovely Lightning.

Justin, don't look so calm standing next to the Tonberry!

Zack and Cloud versus Shizuo of Durarara!!

Um, camera is over here Zack! A cute Tifa and Vincent.
A cute gal from Bleach (forgive me I can't place her character name!)

 Ahhhh, looking back at the photos makes me want to go back! Despite the bruises I'm still sporting from being beat up from my own sword and armor, this was such a fun cosplay and I already have more photo-shoots planned with it.  I couldn't have asked for a better response to my cosplay at the convention, either! People loved our cosplays and that couldn't make me happier! To have our hard work be so well received is the best compliment a cosplay can ask for.  And another big thanks to Justin for being an awesome cosplay partner!

I think this is it for this post, everyone.  I definitely have more photos, of my Gatomon cosplay and of our overall experience at the convention, so please look forward to those! Feel free to leave comments, or you can email me at