Sunday, July 20, 2014

Winry Photoshoot!

Hi there!

I hope everyone's summer is going well.  I can't believe we are more than half-way through July already.  Luckily, I've been able to have some good times with friends and family, and it seems like weekends fill up with plans quickly!  Work has been hectic, but that is a pretty common complaint I have.  Had a nice, long weekend due to the Fourth of July, however, so I knew I had to spend some of that extra time to do a photo shoot with my Winry cosplay!

Winry is a cosplay I completed for my very first Sakura-Con I attended in 2010.  The overalls were my mom's old work overalls from the farm we lived on, and were white, so I dyed them a light purple.  The handkerchief I wear is also from mom.  I purchased the black tube top, and found the sandals at a thrift store.  The wrench I carry around is one of my dad's.  So in short, its a very meaningful cosplay to me.  Additionally, Fullmetal Alchemist is still one of my favorite anime/mangas to this day, and who couldn't love Winry??  I think she is a great character.  

Back to present day, I realized I didn't have any photos of my Winry cosplay that weren't taken at Sakura-Con, and there is either someone or something in the background, or I have an incredibly derpy face.  So I dug it out of my closet, dragged Brenton down to my parents house, and we took some photos!  More specifically, we took photos at my dad's garage, where there are all sorts of cars, parts, and miscellany hanging around for photo shoot fun! Despite the heat, we had a lot of fun, and here are the best of the best!

I think it was obligatory we get some photos with an old Volkswagen body outside my dad's garage.  That old part I found? Yeah, I have no clue, it was just sitting there, begging to be puzzled over.  I have a feeling Winry would be able to figure it out, oops! Haha! And of course I found a kitty to cuddle! That's Toby, a stray who adopted my family.  He is no Den, but he was kind enough to allow photos.  

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret now, I have one more photo that isn't here that is my favorite of the whole day.  Instead, I'm going to post it exclusively on my deviantART account.  Just to clarify, I have no intention of abandoning this blog, but it is just nice to offer diversity once in while! So if you are interested in checking it out (which you totally should be), here is a link: deviantART.  I only have a couple galleries up right now, so if you are a frequent reader of my blog you should be familiar with most of the photos.  But it is nice to have them in one place rather than search back through old blog posts.  

KuroNekoCon in Spokane is only a couple weeks away now! I've preregistered and reserved hotel rooms, and am very excited to be attending this con for the second time!  I'll be in my Winry cosplay there, can't wait!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Proof positive that even a simple cosplay can be awesome! You look absolutely fantastic, Alyica! I could not think of a better Winry Rockbell - one could almost imagine one of the Elric brothers bursting in the scene spontaneously! :)

    1. Thank you so much, Ron! And that would be a funny scene, for sure!
